Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Birthday Continues

Katie got some money for her birthday from her grandparents and I told her I would take her to the store on Thursday so she could pick some stuff out but she ended up getting sick so I took her to the store today. I should have waited until Monday so I could take her without the boys. They were trying to influence her into buying things they would like too.
I think she has finally made a decision.
Yes!! We got a Tinkerbell toy and Paperoni. Thank you so much grandma's and grandpa's. She was so excited with her final purchases.
Austin and Katie trying out the Paperoni. It looks really fun and mommy will probably join in too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Darci,
    I thought this was a great idea when Ed sent this to me. Iam still learning how to do it.
    The kids are getting so big. I wish i could see them alot more.
    Stay in touch and tell the kid hey!

    Love yall
