Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Austin started playing basketball at his school earlier this month. Now they are starting to have games. This is Austin's first year of playing basketball. He never really wanted to do it before and I don't know if he'll want to do it again. I just hope he has fun.
Go Finger Lake Falcons!!
I had to take a picture of his jersey number. His mom played basketball for five years in junior high and high school and was #25 every year. YEA #25!!
Nice bounce pass Austin!

Oh, so close Austin. Way to take the shot!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hockey Night

Finger Lake Elementary gave out free hockey passes to all their students and their parents so we decided to take advantage of that and have a night out at the hockey game. Austin and Logan absolutely loved it. We used to go to hockey games all the time when we lived in South Carolina so they were looking forward to going again. Go Avalanche! They beat the Wenatchee Wild 4-0!
Austin and Logan wanted to watch the game up close so they went and stood by the glass. The refs were not letting them fight during the first two periods but in the last period there were three fights. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let the boys see that because after the game they were re-creating the fights in the hallway (maybe not appropriate when inside).
All of the kids wanted their picture taken while we were at the game. So here they all are enjoying their time at the rink.
Katie was bored after the first period. Maybe hockey isn't her sport.
Nice closeup, Austin!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Katie's 1st Field Trip

Katie went on her very first field trip today. It was to the local fire station. She was so excited and mommy was lucky enough to be able to chaperone. All 60 kindergartners were extremely well behaved. It was really impressive. Here Katie is in the lobby of the fire station.
Here she is in the back of the ambulance. Of course I took the picture of her behind the IV.
They all got to sit inside a fire truck too. I couldn't quite get her to look at me because there was someone else taking pictures on the other side.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ready for takeoff

Katie has had to have some dental work done lately. She has had two caps put in, but she's a little nervous about the procedure. They give her laughing gas to help calm her down. The dentist told Katie she looks like a pilot, which is fitting because that is what she wants to be when she grows up. Looking good, Katie!

Halloween Decorations

When I went to upload some pictures to the computer I found out that someone had borrowed my camera and taken pictures of our Halloween decorations. My guess is that it was Logan. I think he wanted to pictures so his dad could see that we were ready for Halloween. How thoughtful, Logan.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cross Country

Yesterday was the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Elementary School District cross country meet. All of the local elementary schools have cross country for 3rd thru 5th grades and at the end of the season they have one big meet. Logan ran in the first race, which was the boys open race. It was a mile long. I don't think Logan ever ran the entire race before, but he told me he ran this whole race. Nice stretching Logan!
Logan is getting ready to run his race. He did really well. I did get a picture of him at the finish line, but my camera cut off when I went to get Austin's picture so I decided I wouldn't post any of the finishing pictures.
Austin ran the 5th/6th grade boys race. This race was 1.6 miles. This is Austin with his friends Bradley and Jeremiah.

Austin getting ready for the starting gun. Don't let the nice weather fool you, it was really cold.
After the cross country meet we had to hurry home for dinner and then head out again for cub scout pack meeting. This is Katie eating her cake after pack meeting.